It's a cold, grey and rainy day here in Holland. Normally these are good days to do some stitching, but alas, not as much as I had hoped. Here's my progress so far.....

Having read on blogs and in articles that cross stitchers rotated their projects, it seemed like a good idea to try it. The idea wasn't really new, but sometimes it's good to be reminded of them, and then there's the right time for them to be implemented. Now, I don't have anywhere NEAR the amount of projects that many people have in progress, but I do know the unpleasant feeling of that little voice nagging me to work on a project when entering my sewing room, or seeing it lying there in the closet, or when picking up that favorite project of the moment, leaving that poor WIP waiting for yet another day.
So. Ann Grimshaw will be put aside for two weeks, and my red & white sampler will receive my undivided attention for the coming two weeks. As mentioned above, the hope was to get more work done, but the "spring cleaning" I've been doing in the house, and some small quilting projects have taken in some of that time, and let's not get started on the sudden runny nose, teary-eyed, sneeze-fest that suddenly came over me this week! Do you know how hard it is to cross stitch with all that going on? Right - so that's another reason progress has been slow.
This morning, while attempting a few more stitches, I discovered a mistake. 1 stitch! Grrr...
In the greater scheme of things it's not a drama, I'm just wondering if I should take everything out to where the mistake was and start all over again? I'm not afraid of frogging or ripping (whatever the proper term is to cross stitchers) but am more concerned about the pattern not working out as I work my way to the edge...
Any thoughts on that?
Furthermore, work on a small quilting project will resume shortly after this post is published. It's actually a "copy" of a quilted envelope I use to put my needlework projects with me. It's around 20 years old now (gasp!) and before recently only served to store my needlework canvases in.
Oh, and may I say thank you to every one who has so kindly responded and corresponded with me since I've begun posting regularly again? It brings a smile, stimulates and encourages.
Thank you!