So Heidi, this post is for you:
I just wanted to share the adorable little patterns I saw that showcase these favorites of squirrels everywhere...the acorn.
seen at: Shakespeare's Peddler

I came across these patterns while searching for Carriage House Samplings' patterns, The Village of Hawk Run Hollow and The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow. I'm considering making tackling one of these in the future, but don't know which one and want to know how much I need in my piggy-bank in order to buy one. Oh yes, yes I know - finish what I have first! By the time I complete one of my samplers (my own red & white sampler or the Ann Trump) I hope to have gathered the materials to get started on this Mammoth project...
Back to the European Championships Portugal v. Turkey... (read: time to stitch )
Have a great weekend all!
Shame on you Heidi! Now I have fallen in love with that Acorn ornament and will be doing my best to resist temptation to buy it. :) It is just too cute for words. By chance, we were just sitting in the garden up at Cranberry Cottage and Jos remarked about how full the oak trees are of little acorns. It is going to be a mast year again by the looks of it. That will be fun as I am planning to make velvet acorns with real caps. A project you will be seeing on my blog. But thanks for dedicating this post to me even though you are being far too tempting!
Do you stitch only one project at a time? I have not idea how many I have going at once even but suffice it to say it is not one. LOL!
Hugs ~
lol You are so right. Suddenly stuff pops up out of the blue.
BTW, thanks for the applause on my blog... I'm still blushing ;)
Ha ha, Ruth - no need to blush - it is well deserved!
Ok Heidi - Make me feel guilty! I've seen many more wonderful patterns, but won't tempt you with more - LOL!! CAn't wait to see your little velvet ones; I think I've seen something like that in either my books, or..somewhere!
To answer your question: I do have different projects going, but I have drastically reduced the projects that are active because in the past I just didn't get anything done! So, now I'll rotate on two stitching projects and two quilting projects. It's kept my head sane, less pressure, and I see results more quickly. I"m still working out my rotation schedule, but so far so good!
Those nuts are really cute!
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