Happy Monday!
Not much to report: except that I finished machine quilting the baby quilt for Mieke, took a break from that after an unsucessfull search for a proper/matching binding fabric, and decided to work some more on the triangle quilt, as you can see in the quick snap taken above.
Now DH is BBQ-ing outside and the smoke is coming up and in through my sewing room window....and I'm being "smoked" out of my room!....
Hmmm, guess it's time to finish up, close the window and move downstairs to do some work on a sampler?
Hope your Monday was less complicated! lol!!
We have that at times but not from us using a BBQ but from the neighbors. I am not big on BBQs anymore. I love to use my grill pan on the stove top though.
How did you feel after finishing the baby quilt? I am working up the courage to start machine quilting a quilt that is too thick to hand quilt. It is made with flannels, pleated and beaded silks and baby rib cord. I keep putting off starting it. :)
Hugs ~
It's so hot here that bbq-ing is all I do. Much to hot to turn on the range or oven......LOL....I'll use any excuse.
Hey Heidi!
We still enjoy BBQing, but when we're out of coal, we pull out the iron grill and work our culinary magic on that! lol!
As for the baby quilt - It's not complete yet, I still have to find the right binding fabric for it, but even though I felt relief after machine quilting it, I still wasn't happy with machine quilting it - you know what I mean? I just feel that at this moment in time I have far more control with hand quilting. The one positive thing about machine quilting is that I don't have holes and callusses in my fingers..lol!!
Hi Rhondee!
Oh I remember the days when I used to live in the Staes that all we did was BBQ. One day my dad and I realized that we hadn't used the kitchen stove for almost 2 months! Everything had been prepared on the BBQ! Ah - those were the days....lol!!
Besides, when it's hot like that, any excuse is a good excuse! LOL!
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