Finally, the red and white log cabin quilt has been sandwiched today!
Another plus is that the floor is clean too..
My knees and back are a mess from crawling around the floor, but that's a small sacrifice for a good cause.
In the photo you can see it's partially rolled up - that's because for the first time I'll be quilting by machine. Since I've never done that before, I'm going to make a practice block and play with that until I get the hang of it. Then, if all goes well, I"ll try it with the real thing.
To be honest I'd prefer to hand quilt, but I wanted to use 100% cotton batting, and wash the quilt after it is finished to get that "old and worn" look, and this batting seems to be very difficult to quilt by hand. That plus the logs are only 1 cm wide, makes for too many seems to have to go through by hand.
So even though quilting by machine goes against my nature, it'll be interesting to try and learn something new.
Had it been for a bed, I would've wanted to hand quilted it, and changed some options to make that happen.
In either case, with a great sigh of relief, this less favorite phase of making quilts is done, and now it's time to relax, enjoy the sunshine and work on my cross stitch sampler with a cup of tea...
What a striking quilt.....I love it.
Thank you Rhonda! the hard!
This is a stunning quilt! Did you not say it was Hobbs batting you were using? I love Hobbs and hand quilt with it all the time. I am wishing you luck with the machine quilting. I have seen some beautiful machine quilting but know it must take lots of practice. They say start in straight lines so you will be an expert when this is done. Where will you use it if not on a bed?
Hugs ~
Thank you so much Heidi! To answer your question, I'm using Hobbs 100% cotton, and was told in the shop that it was difficult to hand quilt. Since this is the first time using a machine, I'll be quilting in the ditch - whixh is just as well since I don't want to detract from the logs.
This is the smallest quilt I"ve ever made - it's meant to hang in our living room.
Thank you for your support, and stayed tuned! :-))
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