05 July, 2011

good wishes...

To Marcha whom I had the pleasure of meeting during the Blogger Day at the Quiltgebeuren!
She just opened a brand new little web shop, de Quilt Ster because there are no quilt shops in her area where she lives in the province of Zeeland.

I thought that was a really cool thing to do, so here's my little shout-out, to wish her all the best and
ask you who read this, to go visit her webshop and say "hello"! A little quilty-love can go a long way...

Good Luck Marscha!


Rhonda said...

Hi Heidi.... could you ask Marscha to maybe place a "translation" button on her site. That would help alot.

Unknown said...

Hi Heidi, thank you very much for your 'shout out'! I appreciate that very much, what kind of you. I think that would help a lot! So much fun meeting you.

Hugs, Marcha


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