There hasn't been much time to have long sit-down sessions, so I've been taking a few minutes here and there, even if it's just to do a few stitches. Surprisingly, it's added up nicely and progress is coming along. I'd thought I'd get tired of the Quaker motifs, but no, it's still just as much fun stitching them!
That, plus the incredibly kind words I've received from all of you who commented on the completion of Hannah Beeby, has, like Chicken Soup for a cold, really done me a lot of good and has motivated me even more to complete this larger sampler. Thank you so much!
Add a challenge from a dear friend with what seems a daunting deadline....
...and you've got me signing off so I can go back to my Ann!
Ann is so gorgeous! I'm so glad you're having fun stitching her.
My gosh! That's wonderful! I cant wait to see it completed!
I'm so impressed with your stitching - you inspire me. Love your blog. Ann is incredible!
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