Hope you all had safe and happy Holiday celebrations! We enjoyed being with friends and family, are slowly recovering from all that eating and socializing and getting back into the normal rhythm of life. School starts on Monday again, the house will be quiet, and it'll be good to pick up quilting projects lain aside for a few weeks, as the sewing room became the place to wrap and store presents temporarily...lol!
I'm surprised myself, but did manage, between all those social commitments to get (for my doing) quite a bit of stitching done and share it with you now:
I'm telling you, this sampler is practically stitching itself!
It's really become one of those projects you stay up later for to work on, or get up in the morning for to do a few stitches before breakfast. It's still a mystery why, but hey - I'm not not complaining!
Well, it's another short post, but it's time to walk Darwin, and watch the ice skaters on our now frozen lake in the park. And upon my return, before I can sit down to work on Hannah, I've just got to have a go on our new WaterRower. It was the family Christmas gift. Better for your health than a new flatscreen tv, no?
take care,
So striking!
You are really moving on this one! It will be finished in no time at this rate. I hope to finish my Ohio sampler soon and am starting a French online SAL. Like I need a new project??? :) Now I am off to stitch for 45 minutes while I wait to go see my doctor. Not been well since October...
Hope 2009 is a year that sees many of your dreams come true!
Hugs ~
It makes me want to go out right now and pick up another cross stitch project. You are sucn an inspiration. Simply beautiful!
Take Care,
I love the pretty sampler! Happy New Year wishes to you Heidi!
You are really stitching this up fast Heidi and it's looking great!
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