26 March, 2008

SBQ of the Week: March 26, 2008

This week's SBQ is:

When you stitch a pattern that you have downloaded do you print out
the pattern or do you stitch directly from your computer screen?

Print it out.

The computer sits on a proper desk with a proper computer chair in it's proper computer room. The room for stitching standards is dark as no direct sunlight comes in. Although I spend much time with my computer, using it and needing it for many things - including downloading patterns for not only stitching, but for other crafts, the thought of trying to get comfy-cosy by sitting in front of a glowing screen to read off a pattern is something my normally adventurous self just would not do - no, wouldn't even bother trying!

Of all my crafts, stitching is probably the most private and intimate activity. The delicacy of the work, the focus needed ( or wanted perhaps ) to create and place each stitch - for that I want and need to be in a different place with a different atmosphere. In order to do that, the pattern has to be printed out. Besides, what if I want to take the project with me? Stitch with friends, or like my cat, move to different places in the house following the sun?

Nah - I love my Mac, it's an indispensible part of my life ( alas! ), but I don't love it THAT much to have to spend even more time than I already do staring at its' screen.

24 March, 2008

snow, snow, snow

A winter surprise on Easter Monday...too bad it didn't last very long.

13 March, 2008

quilting bee

Yesterday my quilting friends and I got together to share our latest projects, drink tea and shoot the breeze.
Whereas the most of us were in a winter slump, and didn't make much progress or do practically nothing at all, these past weeks we've picked up the needles and threads and have made up for a hiatus that was a tad too long.
I managed to take a few photos, before my camera's batteries ran out (that's what happens when someone else borrows it and doesn't give you a heads-up)

This is the colorful result of Marjo's two-day Bargello workshop. Beautiful, jewel-colored baticks. She wasn't two sentences in her explanation of the process of making such a quilt and my mind was spinning! Pffft! I love detailed, pay-attention-to-what-you're-doing work, but this, this I'm not ready for yet! lol!! Hat's off to you Marjo - this is gorgeous!

Here is An's little bag made for a friend at work, Coby's very dark navy blue quilted bag (sorry, that it's impossible to see here, but take my word for it the quilting is beautiful!) and Marjo's Bargello.

Finally, An's great progress on a kit we bought together at the European Quilt Championships in Waalre, but I haven't started yet, because of two projects that have time-priority. This is a hexagon quilt, a little wall quilt made up of all sorts of reproduction fabrics and Ans' own bits from her stash. Adorable, isn't it?

That's it for today - diving back behind the sewing machine!

10 March, 2008


Pick a strip, pin it down, stitch, stitch, flip, flip, press..... (groan) ....wrong color! Grrrrrrrrr....
grab seam ripper tucked in sewing machine....Grrrrrrr...
Proper color, pin it down, stitch, stich, .........now what? ........bobbin empty.......Grrrrrrrr...
Did I go through three bobbins already?
Load several bobbins.........
Grab block, pick a strip, pin it down.....etc..etc....

This is how my afternoon has been going. Have to keep saying a silent mantra: quilting is fun, quilting is fun....
It's just one of those days where the rhythm just isn't there, but I keep plodding along, because one block done is one block less to make and one block closer to the finish.

So, pick a strip, pin it down, stitch, stitch, flip, flip, press......
(quilting is fun, quilting is fun, quilting is fun.....)

06 March, 2008

SBQ of the Week: March 5, 2008

This week's SBQ is recycled from January 4, 2005 and is:

After you stitch a pattern or kit, what do you do with it?

Good question - there are so many wonderful patterns out there! Usually, when I've completed a project, the pattern ( in this case a leaflet) will go back into a file and saved. If it's out of a book, the book will go back onto the shelf. The only time I'll return to said pattern is to perhaps pluck out a particular design detail to work into another project such as a quilting project or a T-shirt that needs to be "pimped" up a bit, or to share with a friend who happens to be looking for just such a pattern.
As I said before, there are so many beautiful patterns out there that I'd like to work on, I'd rather get to working on them than repeating a pattern.

05 March, 2008

SBQ of the Week: February 26, 2008

This week's SBQ was suggested by Rachel and is:

What is your cross stitch weakness? (i.e., What do you have to have
when you see it, even if you are supposed to be on the Wagon?)

That's easy: patterns, patterns and more patterns!

03 March, 2008

red & white log cabin quilt

This is my latest project - and one that I have been procrastinating something serious!
It's going to be a red and white log cabin quilt destined to hang in our living room. I've been so busy with my teaching and building in Second life that my quilting has truly suffered, so now I've enforced "quilting time" so that there will be some sort of progress in my work.
These logs don't look very interesting, and quite frankly are a bit boring to make, but the end result should be very graphic. Not going to make a long post - need to go behind the machine and get to sewing!

Have a happy Monday!


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