24 December, 2008

holiday wishes

...and to all a good night......


23 December, 2008

on a friday night...

One friday night, a few good old movies and 3 motifs done!
This sampler is just zipping along now, and has progressed in the past two days, but there's been no time to photograph an update.  This has been the most enjoyable sampler I've worked on so far, and don't ask me why, it's just falling into place now, and so much fun!

18 December, 2008

for new ideas and inspiration...

Just wanted to share some recent members of my quilting library.

16 December, 2008


I don't know what it is about this sampler, or perhaps it's just the state of my mind lately. I've been tired, trying to get through a mountain of back-logged things that need to get done around the house, the holidays are coming, and the very thing that is supposed to relax me has gotten my head in my hands.

Take a look - perhaps you more experienced stitchers will see the mistakes.
I did have friends take a look at it and it took them some time to discover them. Perhaps that means I could leave them in...

Regardless, I decided to continue to plod on, and give myself the choice of fixing the error or just leaving it in, on the basis of the "I always leave a mistake in my work" clause, or the "now my work is unique" clause.

Its still a fun sampler to work on ... /me smiles.....

05 December, 2008

a quick update

Hi Ho!
Finally managed to make a little time to quickly post some things. It's been very busy here lately and time has been scarce to be behind the computer. So without further ado, here's what I've been up to:

A table runner made up of left overs and scraps from a tryptic made a while back.  I decided to just start sewing, put the pieces together and see what happened.  Not an easy thing to do and had to change my mindset because I've been working on projects requiring accuracy, but so relaxing letting it all go but the brain in neutral and just let the fabrics to their thing!  

Sorry about the funky looking color, but after many, many moons I've picked up the knitting needles up again to finish this UFO, a pair of bright orange socks, a very basic pattern, destined to become a Christmas gift.  It had been such a long time since I had the needles in my hand, but really, it's just like, as they say, riding a bike!  It's tempting me to start knitting more regularly, even pull out the spinning wheel to spin up some fine wool, but "sigh" - there's lots more to finish first before throwing more projects on my plate!

Last but not least: a start on Hannah Beeby 1816.
I'm doing it in the recommended DMC colors, because I just didn't want to spend the extra money especially since I'm trying to maintain my stash diet, use what I have and only buy what I need, not want.  At first the diet was only intended for my fabrics, but I've extended it to all my crafts.  Besides, it'll free up lots of extra change to buy that digital reflex camera I've set my heart on: a Nikon D90.

I have the feeling I'm forgetting something, but oh well, it'll have to come another time.
Now it's back to the needles again, this time sewing on wayward buttons, patching jeans and waxing jackets..good fun!  



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